6 Super Helpful Copywriting Tips For Beginners

Jonathan Silochan
By |Last Updated: May 31st, 2022|

Copywriting is the art of communicating your message in a clear way that resonates with your audience.

But how do you do that effectively when you’re just starting out?

Read through this list of 6 essential copywriting tips for beginners and you’ll be well on your way to writing great copy.

And don’t worry, you are not late to the game, in fact, there has never been a better time to learn how to do copywriting.

Just this one skill alone can help you grow your business by increasing your website traffic, social media followers, customer engagement, and most importantly, SALES!

So do you want to learn how to write better copy?

Great, let’s get started!

Copywriting Tips For Beginners

If you’re a beginner copywriter, it’s important to know how to write copy that sells right from the get go.

But don’t worry! With these 5 copywriting tips for beginners, you’ll quickly start writing amazing copy.

These tips will help you craft persuasive and compelling copy that gets results!

Copywriting Tips For Beginners

Tip 1: Master Short Form Copy Before Long Form Copy

You want to be a good writer, so start small; start with writing shorter text that you can improve on and then gradually increase your word count with practice.

The best way to improve your writing is by practicing it more often.

And the easiest way to practice is by writing a short-form copy.

That’s why we started with this one first on our list of copywriting tips for beginners.

What is Short-Form Copy?

Short-form copy is anything that isn’t long-form content.

Examples of short-form copy include:

  1. Short paragraphs on a blog post or website;
  2. One sentence tweets on Twitter; and
  3. Facebook status updates of 140 characters (or less) length.
  4. Even a short but concise email sales letter

At its core, writing good short-form copy comes down to being concise.

Your goal should be to get the point across as quickly as possible without sacrificing too much meaning in the process.

When you do this well, your readers will thank you for saving them time by not having to read a lot of text just to find out what they want to know about something important.

What’s even better is when someone shares one of your posts with their friends.

Short-form copy will help you develop skills that are essential for long-form copy like concision and clarity.

And the best part is that it takes less time than long-form copy so it’s perfect for when you need some quick feedback on your work or just want a break from longer pieces of content.

How to Write Short-Form Copy?

Write short-form copy using these 3 easy steps:

  1. Write down an idea
  2. Choose one sentence
  3. Fill in the blanks ____ (fill in blank).

That’s all there is to it! It doesn’t matter if what comes out isn’t perfect because this exercise is about you getting used to the process of writing quickly and not worrying about perfectionism too much at first.

Your goal should be quantity over quality at first, which will lead to improved quality later on as well as increased confidence in your abilities as a writer.

Tip 2: Create Your Archive of Swipe Files

Copywriting is not something that can be learned overnight; it takes time and practice to perfect.

But there are some simple things you can do to get started on the right foot.

One of those things is building your own swipe files.

A swipe file is a collection of phrases or sentences that have been cut out from other pieces of writing in order to use them as inspiration for future projects or ideas.

They’re like cheat sheets for writers who need help coming up with fresh content for their next project.

You’ll find everything from headlines, taglines, and lead paragraphs all the way down to individual words that will inspire your creativity when you’re stuck on what should come next in your piece.

This swipe file will help you build up your library of phrases, sentences, words, and ideas that can be used in any type of content marketing campaign.

It also helps with getting into the habit of using these types of phrases in your own work.

Achieving this goal will allow you to create better content faster and more efficiently than ever before!

And it doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming either – just start collecting snippets from other sources like blogs, articles, books, etc., then organize them into categories so they are easy to find when needed.

Tip 3: Focus On Your Customer And Not Yourself

Of all the copywriting tips for beginners, probably the most critical one is for you to focus on your actual customer.

So many writers get this wrong.

Copywriting is the art of persuading people to buy your product.

Copywriting is not about you, it’s about them.

Copywriters are often told to focus on the customer, not themselves.

But what does that mean?

What is the difference between focusing on your customer and focusing on yourself? And how can you do it in practice?

Firstly, you need to know your audience and what they want before you can write anything that will persuade them.

The best way to do this is by listening closely and asking questions.

Ask yourself “What would my customer say?” or “How does my customer feel?”

This will help you understand their perspective so that when writing, your words come from a place of empathy rather than egoism.

Let’s look at an example of when someone focuses on themselves instead of their customers.

Let’s say I am writing a sales page for my company’s product and I start with:

“I’m so excited about our new product!”

That statement has nothing to do with why people would buy my product.

It doesn’t address any problems or needs they might have.

It just talks about me and my own excitement!

This type of self-focused language will turn off most readers because it lacks empathy and understanding for their perspective.

Instead, let’s try starting with something like:

“You’re probably wondering…”

Here we acknowledge the reader’s point-of-view before going into our own thoughts about them – which makes us more relatable and empathetic as writers.

Take some time today to think about your customer and write down three things they might be feeling right now based on what you know about them from previous conversations or research online (e.g., “you’re worried,” “you feel overwhelmed,” etc.).

Then use these feelings as a jumping off point for your next piece of marketing content or email campaign!

Tip 4: Spark Curiosity To Get Attention

Good copywriting is all about getting people’s attention.

It’s not enough to just write something that seems like it might be interesting.

You need to grab people’s attention and hold on tight!

If you do grab their attention just right, they’ll start eating up all your words and then take action based on what you’ve written.

But how do you get someone’s attention in the first place? Well, there are a few different ways but one of my favorite ways is by sparking curiosity.

Curiosity is an emotion that makes people want to find out more about something they’re curious about – so use it as your friend when writing copy!

Ask questions, make statements with a question mark at the end, or give some kind of hint for what will happen next (but don’t tell them!)

Anything that will make someone wonder “what happens next?”

That way they’ll keep reading until they find out!

Tip 5: Spend More Time Researching Than Writing

You’ve been working on your copywriting for hours and you still can’t get it right.

That’s because you’re not spending enough time researching.

Research is the key to great copywriting.

You need to know what your readers are interested in, what they’re looking for, and how they think.

The more research you do, the easier it will be to write something that resonates with them.

You need to understand your customer’s pain points.

  1. What drives them?
  2. Why would they even want to read your ad?
  3. What’s in it for them?

Lead with that!

When you put in the time researching your audience before writing anything, it will make all of your content so much better! Spend more time researching than writing and see how much better your work becomes!

The best way to do this is by reading other people’s work in your industry or asking them questions about their experience with the product or service they offer.

This will help you understand what words are most effective at getting a customer interested in buying something from that company.

You have to know who’s competing for the same customer’s attention and what they’re saying. Then you have to determine how to do it better by playing up the benefits of your own offering.

It also helps if you know how to write well-crafted sentences that make sense and have a point of view, which comes from good research as well!

Tip 6: Use Artificial Intelligence To Create Amazing Copy

What if I told you that I had the ultimate copywriting tool that could save you a TON of time, help you end writer’s block for almost any type of content pieces, AND costs you literally $zero dollars to try?

If you combine these copywriting tips for beginners with this amazing artificial intelligence tool, you will set yourself up for a massively successful start!

Jasper AI Copywriting Tool

Jasper – Our Robot Copywriter

Here’s a little secret: This blog post was created by our friend ‘Jasper‘, an artificial intelligence copywriting robot.

Jasper actually knows the message you want to convey but types out the words for you ten times better than you ever could yourself. No kidding! You have to see this to believe just how good it is.

All I did was type out ‘copywriting tips for beginners‘ and Jasper did the rest creating this article.

Of course, I had to guide him here and there to make it personal from me to you guys but the bulk of the heavy lifting was done by this amazing robot that saved me a ton of time.

Try it out yourself for free to get you an EXTRA 10,000 credits all for FREE!


In wrapping up these copywriting tips for beginners, it’s important to remember that writing is a skill, and like any skill, it takes time and practice to master.

In the early stages, focus on mastering your short form copywriting skills before you move onto long-form pieces.

Before you can write an effective headline or sales pitch for social media, content marketing or any other type of digital advertising campaign, you have to know how people think about what they read online and what your competitors are doing, so remember to focus on your research.

Create an archive of ‘swipe files’ that will allow you to build on it over time instead of starting from scratch every time you have to write copy.

When writing about your product or service, focus on what the customer needs as opposed to how great the company is at providing those services.

Lastly, get people curious about what happens next instead of telling them everything upfront.

Your content strategy is the cornerstone of your efforts to gain more web traffic, leads and ultimately customers.

In order to create an effective strategy, you need a clear understanding of what will work best for your business in terms of messaging style. The tone that resonates with your target audience can vary greatly depending on their industry or stage in the buying process. It’s important to take time at the beginning of each project to define this before diving into your content.

Tell me, what did you think about these helpful copywriting tips for beginners?

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About the Author: Jonathan Silochan

Jonathan Silochan
Jonathan Silochan is a content creator and social media marketing strategist who has a love for technology and good food.

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