99+ Money Affirmations to Catapult Your Financial Situation

By |Last Updated: May 28th, 2022|

Money affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts about your financial situation. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, they can change your thinking patterns and attitudes, which can lead to improved financial circumstances.

Doing the money affirmations in this list regularly can help you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings about money, so that you can take steps to change your relationship with it for the better.

How to Create Money Affirmations

Money Affirmations

When creating money affirmations, it is important to keep a few things in mind. First, make sure that the affirmations are stated in the present tense, as if they are already true. Second, use positive words and phrases that reflect what you want to achieve, rather than what you don’t want. For example, instead of saying “I will no longer be in debt,” try “I am financially free.” Third, keep your affirmations brief and to the point. And finally, make sure that your affirmations are specific to your goals.

The Benefits of Using Money Affirmations

There are many benefits to using money affirmations. First, they can help you to overcome negative thinking and self-doubt. Second, they can help you to attract wealth and abundance into your life. Third, they can help you to improve your financial circumstances. And fourth, they can help you to develop a positive relationship with money.

Money Affirmations to Help You Attract Wealth and Abundance

1. I am worthy of wealth and abundance.

2. I am open to receiving all the good that life has to offer.

3. I am grateful for all the abundance in my life.

4. I deserve to be wealthy and abundant.

5. I am willing to do what it takes to be financially successful.

6. I am capable of attracting wealth and abundance into my life.

7. I am committed to creating a life of abundance.

8. I have everything I need to attract wealth and abundance into my life.

9. My thoughts, words, and actions create my reality, and I choose to create a reality of abundance.

10. I am surrounded by limitless opportunities for financial success.

11. I am grateful for the flow of money in my life.

12. Every day, in every way, I am getting closer and closer to financial freedom.

13. I attract financial prosperity and abundance effortlessly.

14. I am deserving of a life of abundance.

15. My relationship with money is healthy, positive, and abundant.

16. Creating wealth is natural and easy for me.

17. I release all resistance to being wealthy and abundant.

18. I am thankful for my ability to create wealth.

19. An abundance of money is a part of my spiritual birthright.

20. It is safe for me to be wealthy and abundant.

21. I no longer allow my upbringing or past experiences to keep me from experiencing abundance in my life.

22. My subconscious mind is open and receptive to messages of abundance.

23. I am tuned in to the frequency of wealth and abundance.

24. My mindset is focused on attracting wealth and abundance.

25. I attract money easily and effortlessly.

26. I have a strong desire to be financially successful.

27. I take action steps towards my goals with confidence and ease.

28. Each day, I am closer to achieving my financial goals.

29. Prosperity and abundance are part of my reality now.

30. Money comes to me easily and frequently.

31. My bank account reflects my inner belief that I am worthy of prosperity and abundance.

32. I receive unexpected gifts of money from many sources on a regular basis.

33. I have a healthy relationship with money.

34. I use money to create more happiness and abundance in my life and in the lives of others.

35. I give and receive money with gratitude, knowing that it is one of the ways in which God provides for me.

36. I am financially free to do what I want, when I want, how I want.

37. My income steadily increases as I follow my dreams and serve my purpose.

38. Opportunities for financial advancement present themselves to me on a regular basis.

39. All my bills are paid easily and on time, leaving me extra money to save and invest.

40. The Universe is abundant, and I am an abundant being.

41. Money flows freely and effortlessly into my life.

42. Financial abundance is mine now.

43. I open myself up to receive the abundance that is rightfully mine.

44. I declare financial freedom for myself now.

45. My bills are paid in full and on time, every time.

46. I have more than enough money to meet all my needs and desires.

47. My income always meets or exceeds my financial obligations and goals.

48. Debt is a thing of the past for me – I am financially free!

49. It is fun and easy for me to handle money responsibly and create abundance in my life.

50. I always have more than enough money to cover my needs and live a comfortable lifestyle.

51. Saving money comes easily to me, and I enjoy watching my savings grow each month.

52. Investing money is something I do on a regular basis, and it is always profitable for me.

53. Creating multiple streams of income is natural and easy for me, and I enjoy having extra money coming in from many different sources.

54. Money flows freely and abundantly into my life, and I am grateful for all the abundance I receive.

55. My financial situation is constantly improving, and I am now enjoying financial freedom!

56. My mind is focused on abundance, and I attract wealth and prosperity easily.

57. I am now open and receptive to messages of abundance from the Universe.

58. I am tuned in to the frequency of wealth and abundance, and money comes to me easily and frequently.

59. My mindset is focused on attracting wealth and abundance, and I attract money easily and effortlessly.

60. I give and receive money with gratitude, knowing that it is one of the ways in which God provides for me.

61. I am financially free to do what I want, when I want, how I want.

62. My income steadily increases as I follow my dreams and serve my purpose.

63. Opportunities for financial advancement present themselves to me on a regular basis.

64. All my bills are paid easily and on time, leaving me extra money to save and invest.

65. The Universe is abundant, and I am an abundant being.

66. Money flows freely and effortlessly into my life.

67. Financial abundance is mine now.

68. I open myself up to receive the abundance that is rightfully mine.

69. I declare financial freedom for myself now.

70. My bills are paid in full and on time, every time.

71. I have more than enough money to meet all my needs and desires.

72. My income always meets or exceeds my financial obligations and goals.

73. Debt is a thing of the past for me – I am financially free!

74. It is fun and easy for me to handle money responsibly and create abundance in my life.

75. I always have more than enough money to cover my needs and live a comfortable lifestyle.

76. Saving money comes easily to me, and I enjoy watching my savings grow each month.

77. Investing money is something I do on a regular basis, and it is always profitable for me.

78. Creating multiple streams of income is natural and easy for me, and I enjoy having extra money coming in from many different sources.

79. Money flows freely and abundantly into my life, and I am grateful for all the abundance I receive.

80. My financial situation is constantly improving, and I am now enjoying financial freedom!

81. My mind is focused on abundance, and I attract wealth and prosperity easily.

82. I am now open and receptive to messages of abundance from the Universe.

83. I am tuned in to the frequency of wealth and abundance, and money comes to me easily and frequently.

84. My mindset is focused on attracting wealth and abundance, and I attract money easily and effortlessly.

85. I give and receive money with gratitude, knowing that it is one of the ways in which God provides for me.

86. I am financially free to do what I want, when I want, how I want.

87. My income steadily increases as I follow my dreams and serve my purpose.

88. Opportunities for financial advancement present themselves to me on a regular basis.

89. All my bills are paid easily and on time, leaving me extra money to save and invest.

90. The Universe is abundant, and I am an abundant being.

91. Money flows freely and effortlessly into my life.

92. Financial abundance is mine now.

93. I open myself up to receive the abundance that is rightfully mine.

94. I declare financial freedom for myself now.

95. My bills are paid in full and on time, every time.

96. I have more than enough money to meet all my needs and desires.

97. My income always meets or exceeds my financial obligations and goals.

98. Debt is a thing of the past for me – I am financially free!

99. It is fun and easy for me to handle money responsibly and create abundance in my life.

And here’s a bonus list of financial affirmations to keep you manifesting money.

33 Financial Affirmations to Help You Manifest Money

1. I am a money magnet, and wealth comes to me easily and effortlessly.

2. Money flows freely and abundantly into my life, and I am grateful for all the abundance I receive.

3. My financial situation is constantly improving, and I am now enjoying financial freedom!

4. My mind is focused on abundance, and I attract wealth and prosperity easily.

5. I am now open and receptive to messages of abundance from the Universe.

6. I am tuned in to the frequency of wealth and abundance, and money comes to me easily and frequently.

7. My mindset is focused on attracting wealth and abundance, and I attract money easily and effortlessly.

8. I give thanks for all the money that comes into my life, knowing that it is one of the ways in which God provides for me.

9. I am financially free to do what I want, when I want, how I want.

10. My income steadily increases as I follow my dreams and serve my purpose.

11. Opportunities for financial advancement present themselves to me on a regular basis.

12. All my bills are paid easily and on time, leaving me extra money to save and invest.

13. The Universe is abundant, and I am an abundant being.

14. Money flows freely and effortlessly into my life.

15. Financial abundance is mine now.

16. I open myself up to receive the abundance that is rightfully mine.

17. I declare financial freedom for myself now . . .

18. . . . and I release all limiting beliefs about money and abundance.

19. My bills are paid in full and on time, every time.

20. I have more than enough money to meet all my needs and desires.

21. My income always meets or exceeds my financial obligations and goals.

22. Debt is a thing of the past for me – I am financially free!

23. It is fun and easy for me to handle money responsibly and create abundance in my life.

24. I am confident and certain that I can achieve any financial goal that I set for myself.

25. Creating abundance is natural and effortless for me.

26. Money comes to me easily and frequently, and I use it to improve my life and the lives of those around me.

27. I am surrounded by wealth and abundance, and I am grateful for all the prosperity in my life.

28. I attract money easily and effortlessly, and it flows into my life in increasing amounts.

29. My relationship with money is loving, healthy, and supportive.

30. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly, and I use it wisely to improve my life and the lives of those around me.

31. I am a powerful money magnet, attracting wealth and abundance easily and effortlessly.

32. Creating financial abundance is natural and easy for me, and I now enjoy a prosperous lifestyle.

33. I am grateful for all the money that comes into my life, knowing that it is one of the ways in which God provides for me.

Use these financial affirmations to program your subconscious mind for success, and watch as your financial situation improves! Remember, the more you focus on abundance, the more likely you are to attract it into your life. So keep up the good work, and enjoy your newfound wealth!

Financial Affirmations

22 Bonus Money Mantras To Inspire Financial Freedom

  1. I am in control of my finances, and I make responsible choices with my money.
  2. My relationship with money is healthy and prosperous.
  3. I always have enough money to cover my needs and live a comfortable lifestyle.
  4. Earning and managing money is easy for me, and I enjoy having financial abundance in my life.
  5. I am confident and capable when it comes to handling my finances.
  6. Money flow freely and abundantly into my life, now and always.
  7. My financial situation is improving every day, and I am attracting more wealth and abundance into my life.
  8. I release all fears, doubts, and worries about money, and I open myself up to receive all the abundance that is rightfully mine.
  9. I am grateful for all the money I have, and I know there is always more on the way.
  10. Creating a comfortable financial situation for myself and my loved ones is easy and natural for me.
  11. I am confident in my ability to provide for myself and my family, now and always.
  12. I work hard and smart, and I attract financial abundance easily.
  13. My relationship with money is healthy, harmonious, and prosperous.
  14. Money comes easily to me, and I handle it responsibly.
  15. I deserve to be financially abundant, and I open myself up to receiving all the abundance that is rightfully mine.
  16. I am grateful for all the money I have, and I know there is always more on the way.
  17. Creating a comfortable financial situation for myself and my loved ones is easy and natural for me.
  18. I am confident in my ability to provide for myself and my family, now and always.
  19. I work hard and smart, and I attract financial abundance easily.
  20. My relationship with money is healthy, harmonious, and prosperous.
  21. Money comes easily to me, and I handle it responsibly.
  22. I deserve to be financially abundant, and I open myself up to receiving all the abundance that is rightfully mine.

Use these money mantras to attract financial abundance into your life. Repeat them often, and feel the abundant energy of wealth and prosperity flow into your life!

How to Use the Affirmations Correctly

In order to get the most out of your affirmations, it is important to know how to use them correctly. Here are a few tips:

1. Read them aloud, twice a day – Once in the morning, and once at night. This will help to embed the positive statements into your subconscious mind.

2. Write them down – Another great way to make sure the affirmations really sink in is to write them down. Start by bookmarking this page in your browser, and then you can either keep a notebook or journal dedicated to your affirmations, or you can write them on index cards or post-it notes and carry them around with you throughout the day.

3. Visualize yourself achieving your goals – As you read each affirmation, take a few moments to really visualize and feel what it would be like to achieve your goals. The more real and believable the visualization, the more effective the affirmation will be.

4. Repeat them with conviction – In order for affirmations to work, you need to believe them wholeheartedly. So as you repeat each one, make sure to do so with confidence and conviction.

5. Be patient – Don’t expect overnight results. It takes time for affirmations to work their magic, so be patient and keep at it. The more you use them, the better results you’ll see.

FAQ’s About Money Affirmations

Q: Do money affirmations really work?

A: While there is no scientific evidence to prove that money affirmations work, many people believe in their power and have seen success with using them. If you’re open to the possibility that they could work for you, then it couldn’t hurt to give them a try.

Q: How long do I need to use money affirmations before I see results?

A: Again, there is no scientific evidence to answer this question definitively. However, most people who have used money affirmations report seeing results within a few weeks to a few months. So if you don’t see results immediately, don’t give up – keep at it and be patient.

Q: What are some other things I can do to improve my financial situation?

A: While money affirmations can definitely help to improve your financial situation, they are not a substitute for taking concrete steps to improve your finances. If you really want to make a change, you need to take action and make some changes in your spending and saving habits. In addition, working with a financial planner or coach can also be helpful in getting your finances on track.

Q: Aren’t money affirmations just a form of wishful thinking?

A: While it is true that money affirmations are based on the law of attraction, which says that you will attract into your life whatever you focus on, they are not just wishful thinking. The key to making them work is to really believe in them and have conviction when you say them. If you can do that, then they can definitely help to improve your financial situation.

Q: Do I need to use all of the affirmations?

A: No, you don’t need to use all of the affirmations. Just choose the ones that resonate with you the most and focus on those.

Q: Can I make up my own financial affirmations?

A: Yes, you can definitely make up your own financial affirmations. In fact, some people find it more effective to do so because they are more personal and meaningful. If you want to try this, just start by brainstorming a list of things you want to achieve financially, and then turn each one into an affirmation. It doesn’t matter if you make $40,000 a year or $400,000 a year – these affirmations can help you to attract more money and abundance into your life.

Money Affirmations Conclusion

Remember, whether or not you believe in the power of money affirmations, there is no harm in giving them a try. What do you have to lose? So give them a shot and see what happens. You might be surprised at the results!

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About the Author: Jian Brant

Jian Brant is a blogger at Punch 5 Media where he spends most of his time writing on things that he loves. Born in Trinidad and Tobago, raised in the USA and lived in London, he has worldwide experience working for public and private sector technology companies. Now settled in the Caribbean, he writes original articles focused on Online Marketing strategies for local businesses.

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