Truely or Truly – The Correct Spelling

By |Last Updated: June 10th, 2021|

Always use standard English when deciding between truely or truly in your writing.

In standard English, the correct spelling of the word is ‘Truly‘.

It’s important to know that ‘truely’ is NOT an alternative spelling of the word and is completely incorrect for any usage in your writing.

As a serious writer, you must make sure you don’t misspell the word ‘truly’ as the English language has standardized spelling of words which must be followed in order to avoid misspelling.

Truely or Truly Correct Spelling

There is no word in the English dictionary called ‘truely’. As such, there is no correct way how to spell truely.

The incorrect form of the word, ‘truely’, can often be seen used by some people who are misspelling the correct word ‘truly’.

Truly Spelling

The correct way to spell truly is ‘truly‘.

As a writer, you should know how to spell ‘truly’.

Why is Truely vs Truly so Popular?

The reason why some people get the spelling so wrong is because they think adding the ‘-ly’ suffix at the end of the word ‘true’ makes it the correct spelling.

Sure, this works for a few common words like ‘nice’ to ‘nicely’, ‘mad’ to ‘madly’ and others, but it is definitely not correct for ‘true’ to ‘truly’.

Usage of Truly

Truly is used to emphasize that what you are saying is indeed true.

Some examples include:

“This is truly such a great blog.”

“It was a truly terrifying experience not having an online business to sustain my income during the global pandemic.”

Truly is also used to close out formal letters.

The one spelling of the word that should be used in writing is “truly” because it’s the only accepted, standard version.


The battle of ‘truely’ vs ‘truly’ will rage on just as long as people continue to spell words based solely on how they ‘sound’.

To truly decide between truely or truly you must know that ‘truely’ is the incorrect spelling of the word truly.

Learn how to spell ‘truly’ correctly as doing so will ensure you don’t lose credibility with your readership.

Yours truly,


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About the Author: Jian Brant

Jian Brant is a blogger at Punch 5 Media where he spends most of his time writing on things that he loves. Born in Trinidad and Tobago, raised in the USA and lived in London, he has worldwide experience working for public and private sector technology companies. Now settled in the Caribbean, he writes original articles focused on Online Marketing strategies for local businesses.

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