Jasper Review (New 2022): Still Our Best AI Copywriting Tool

By |Last Updated: June 19th, 2022|


Jasper Review

Jasper Review


As a Caribbean-based digital marketing agency, we strongly rely on having the best content produced not just in bulk but also super fast in order to stay ahead of our competitors.

And even for a small place like the Caribbean, we have many competitors all trying to outdo us by creating more and better content.

Our team of human writers is fantastic but can only do so much.

In our endless quest to gain that advantage over the competition, we finally discovered Jasper, an Artificial Intelligence copywriting tool that has become the backbone of our content creation process.

And because it can be used by anybody, not just marketing agencies, we’ve decided to submit our own Jasper review for those of you who probably already heard of AI copywriting and are considering using Jasper (which was previously called Conversion.ai and then Jarvis in the early days).

So in this review of Jasper I’m going to give you all of the details about this AI copywriting tool using as much of our real-world experience as I can declassify without letting out too much of our own agency secret sauce around it.



Jasper Review Free Trial

If you’re in a rush:

Jasper is the newest and now the industry Gold Standard AI copywriting software tool normally priced at $29 monthly.

Jasper is continuously trained by experienced copywriters and conversion optimization experts which leads to the Jasper AI copywriting software generating better copy than any other AI copywriting tool we have ever seen.

And now you can get a completely free 5-day trial which allows you to evaluate it yourself to gauge how useful it is for your own professional and personal needs.


Rating 4.9/5



Take The Free Trial


Our Experience with Jasper

Jasper AI Review


To give you some background on our agency experience with Jasper – We’ve used him to script high converting Facebook and Google Ads for both ourselves and for our clients, create engaging content for our Social Media Marketing clients across various platforms, write new blog posts that at present rank on the first page of Google, improve our older blog posts that are now slowly starting to rank higher, generate amazing testimonials for our colleagues on LinkedIn, generate catchy photo captions for Instagram, write marketing emails, script out dozens of YouTube videos and even write speeches for a wedding (mine actually).

UPDATE: Not only have I used Jasper to write my wedding speeches, but unfortunately now I’ve even used him to write funeral speeches as well which came out heartfelt and authentic because I only relied on the software for fillers and to bridge my original sentences together. (He could have written out the funeral speeches entirely, but that just wouldn’t feel right).

Of course, Jasper can be used for a lot more stuff than what we’ve used it for so far, but for the purposes of this review, I am only documenting our own personal experience with it and nothing more than that.

All of our clients that we’ve done copywriting for over the last several months using Jasper have commented that ‘our’ work is perfect for what they need. I say ‘our’ because none of our clients actually know that we heavily used an AI copywriting tool to prepare the drafts, and quite frankly, we believe none of them will care anyway so we don’t bother our clients with fine details like this.

We’ve previously outsourced some of our content creation to online writers outside of our agency and so we treat the AI copywriting tool as kind of like another writer who just happens to be a robot named Jasper.

Jasper AI Copywriting Tool

Jasper – Our Robot Copywriter

Today we no longer outsource any of our writing to human writers as our internal copywriting team can quickly churn up 2000 words using Jasper in under 30 minutes.

And not mediocre words, I mean 2000 words of solid high-quality content that appeals to our clients’ target audiences.

Jasper Review Pros and Cons


  • If you have a digital agency, this is by far the most important tool in your content marketing toolkit that will increase your content output, allowing you to either service more clients or to produce more work for your existing clients and make more money for your business either way.
  • Even if you don’t have an agency, freelancers and personal bloggers can get incredible value from Jasper by using it as another content writer that will easily boost to the ROI of your blog business.
  • Jasper can process text much faster than any human writer, allowing you to get high-quality content out much quicker.
  • You’ll spend less money on content creation using Jasper than with any other copywriting tool. Don’t waste your time and money experimenting to learn this on your own, we’ve already done that.
  • The machine learning algorithms used by Jasper are constantly getting better, unlike a human writer who, let’s face it, won’t really get that much better over time without constant coaching and patience.
  • You’ll have a guaranteed source of quality content that you can use to post on social media and for your clients, without ever having to worry about running out.
  • This means that you can spend more time working on other aspects of your business and have the assurance that your social media accounts will still be posting engaging content even if you are completely away for a week or two.
  • The best part is you can literally get this copywriting tool for free for a few days to generate content and see the magic for yourself before buying.
  • The guys at Jasper have been nothing short of amazing when it comes to customer support and community engagement with their super-charged Facebook group where everyone posts their successes with this tool literally every hour. It’s quite inspiring to be a part of such a group and is one of the more progressive ones we’ve seen on Facebook.


Jasper 5 Star Review



  • Jasper is still a robot, and requires human guidance to ensure the content is perfect for what you need. We’ve had hits and misses with this; sometimes the content is spot on for entire sections of content and sometimes after 3 sentences we need to manually re-type some words and then let Jasper have a go at it again. Not that big a deal though considering 95% of our work is still done by the AI and not by us mere mortals anymore.
  • Very addictive; it’s hard to stop hammering out content after you’ve gotten started. We recommend scheduling a few hours each day to use Jasper and not more than that so you don’t get burned out. At some point we will still revert to outsourcing human writers but we will train them to use Jasper in their writing process, that way we will literally smash the door open on the digital marketing agency business in our region and even beyond.
  • Jasper is still relatively new and has some minor bugs here or there where some factual data isn’t perfect, but he’s getting better on a daily basis, give him time.

How Does Jasper Measure Up?

So does Jasper create content better than what we would normally just do ourselves?


But does he create content faster than what we could do ourselves without a tool?

Hell yes.

And this is the winning point for us.

We are a team of professional full-time copywriters so we don’t expect a software tool to all of a sudden be better than the 15 years plus each of us here at Punch 5 Media has in copywriting.

Our aim is to maintain our existing copywriting quality standard while delivering it at a ridiculously high speed so we can produce more work and increase our revenue.

And I think Jasper helps us to do that tremendously which is in itself quite remarkable.

Jasper Writers Block

What is Jasper AI?

Our thoughts and experience of using Jasper as a tool for content creation so far is highlighted in the points above but what exactly is Jasper?

What is Jasper AI

Jasper is an AI copywriting software tool that creates awesome quality content for you by using machine learning and artificial intelligence which basically means it figures out things out on its own and gets smarter as it creates more and more content for you.

It can create interesting blog posts, Facebook ad headlines, e-books, high converting landing pages, script out all of your YouTube videos for you and much more in literally just a matter of minutes.

People have even created Amazon books with Jasper acting as a ghostwriter in days, not months.

The AI software generates unique content (at least we’ve never encountered the same content generated twice) and can create 1000s of words per minute. So if you’ve ever been in a rush to create an article (as we often are) and you’re staring at a blank page, or just tired of writing but still need to meet a deadline – this tool is for you.

What Jasper is NOT

Jasper is not an article spinner software that simply spits out (rehashed) articles using the same basic templates over and over again. It is a truly innovative tool that learns from your input and creates unique content for you.

It’s also not fully automated; once it spits out the content it is up to you to review what the AI has created and make any necessary changes.

And it’s not going to take over the entire job of creating all your content for you; it’s just one more tool in the arsenal.

The magic happens when you let the machine learning algorithms take over and create sentences that are likely to engage and interest readers.

Another important point to make is that Jasper is not perfect. It’s still improving and while many are citing it as the answer to all SEO problems, it’s not. It’s a tool for content (or copy) creation. It can provide you with valuable and relevant data from hundreds or thousands of sources which you can use to kickstart the process of human-led writing and editing without suffering writer’s block.

Jasper is not a dream in the matrix. It’s a real life software program that will give you an unfair advantage over competitors who don’t take advantage of it.

Who Are The People Behind Jasper?

Conversion.ai Team

Jasper is powered by a group of friends all living in Austin, Texas who are, not surprisingly, also a team of excellent copywriters themselves.

They are: CEO Dave Rogenmoser, CTO John Philip Morgan, COO Chris Hull, CMO Austin Distel, Megan Johnson, and James Morgan.

This high performance team has really been making waves in the copywriting industry with their Jasper AI copywriting software now being implemented into the daily workflows of tens of thousands of copywriters all over the globe in 11+ languages.

The Jasper community continues to grow exponentially as the team intricately knows how to truly be customer-centric.

If you’ve ever heard of the power of using social proof to boost conversion rates then you should know ‘Proof’: world’s first customer-centric marketing platform.

That’s also them; these people know marketing inside out and Jasper is no exception to the quality they put out in making a groundbreaking product that is well worth the price.

Who is Jasper Perfect For?

Jarvis Perfect For

Obviously as we are a digital agency that has immensely profited from this tool we will highly recommend Jasper as the top copywriting tool for digital agencies.

However, it is not limited to just this particular market as it can be very useful for anyone who wants to generate their own original content, produce great quality content for their clients, write faster or brainstorm ideas.

It’s a great tool if you are a blogger, writer, journalist, content creator, or if you just need help busting through writer’s block.

Jasper can create a single blog post with 2000 words in under one minute when using BOSS MODE. We know this for a fact because this article itself is an example of us doing that, along with most of the other articles on the rest of this site.

Being able to create a large volume of quality content has helped us to better our rankings on this blog and also our clients’ blog websites.

Blog posts from Jasper passes Copyscape and easily delivers great quality content in each sentence and not useless fluff that gets in the way of the real value that readers want to gain.


Jasper Writes Blog Articles


Digital Marketers
Creating the highest converting landing pages and compelling Facebook and Google ads is mandatory for a successful digital marketer and Jasper pulls this off with ease.

We have also sent bulk emails to our subscribers’ list with consistently high conversion rates leading us to gain a reliable flow of new clients each month. This is not to say that we don’t know how to draft these emails ourselves, Jasper just does a better job of coming up with really unique and interesting angles that are sometimes quite humorous but always effective. Remember, he’s been trained by the best marketers in the industry.

Creating great copy is hardest when you start with a blank page. Why? Because your story can go any which way in so many different angles when you start from scratch. Jasper on the other hand can literally in an instant create your first 500 words from an angle you can either choose to let him go down the rabbit hole or just delete and restart into another completely new angle. All of this happens in SECONDS not minutes, giving you the chance to produce the highest quality content that you could not have normally done yourself in such short a period of time.

There has never been a better time to have your own YouTube channel because with Jasper, you can significantly reduce your workload while increasing your content production volume. The YouTube algorithm favors not just quality, but also quantity. The more you post, the more watch time you’ll get, and the more likely your videos will be recommended to viewers on the platform.

Jasper can come up with ideas for your next YouTube video, script the whole damn video, and when it’s done, generate an attention grabbing headline for the video.

The only thing you actually need to do is record the video, and get a thumbnail… for now…

You can author an entire book and sell it on Amazon by the end of the week using Jasper. I am personally doing this right now and remain inspired by the tons of success stories of people that are currently doing this at scale using Jasper’s AI capabilities. There is a rapidly growing list of people with multiple publications doing exactly this once they experience how easy it is for Jasper to not only bust through writers block, but write entire chapters, with a little guidance from Jasper’s human, of course.

Jasper Goodbye Writers Block - Medium

Content Creators
Jasper can create just about any piece of content you need on a whim; newsletters, school assignments, speeches, anything. Quality content. The kind that passes plagiarism checks online. The kind that converts. It’s really a no-brainer for us to keep using Jasper’s AI copywriting capabilities not just in our agency, but we also use it for personal projects outside of work here. With a lot of fun too.

How Does Jasper Work?

How does conversion.ai work

On the Back-end of Jasper
Jasper uses OpenAI, or more specifically GPT-3 to produce the text.

GPT-3 means ‘Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3’ and is the third-generation language prediction model in the GPT-n series created by OpenAI, a San Francisco-based artificial intelligence research laboratory.

In other words, Jasper uses deep learning to produce human-like text.

On the Front-end of Jasper
You tell Jasper what kind of content you need (e.g. blog post, Google ad, video script etc.) and he will search content sources like Google News, Wikipedia, YouTube and much more to find data related to the content you need.

In doing so, it develops a unique understanding about your topic based on what other people have already written about it and then turns the information into a piece of unique content.

Once this has been done you can then edit the content to suit your needs. You pick what words you want to be used, remove any unneeded sentences and make any other edits or changes to achieve the best possible quality of content.

You can then use this content as a starting point for writing human-led articles that are unique and tailored to your audience or you can just publish the content straight from Jasper as it is.

It’s entirely up to you.

What Can You Do With Jasper?

There are over 50 writing skills or ‘templates‘ that Jasper has been taught by copywriting experts.

Jasper AI Review Dashboard

Jasper AI Template Dashboard

Using the Template Dashboard, you can access a range of skills to unleash Jasper’s copywriting abilities.

  • Blog post assistant
    Let Jasper help you write long-form blog articles from start to finish.
  • AIDA Framework
    Use the oldest marketing framework in the world. Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.
  • PAS Framework
    Problem-Agitate-Solution. A valuable framework for creating new marketing copy ideas.
  • Content improver
    Take a piece of content and rewrite it to make it more interesting, creative, and engaging.
  • Product description
    Create compelling product descriptions to be used on websites, emails and social media.
  • Blog Post Topic Ideas
    Brainstorm new blog post topics that will engage readers and rank well on Google.
  • Blog Post Outline
    Create lists and outlines for articles. Works best for “Listicle” and “How to” style blog posts or articles.
  • Blog Post Intro Paragraph
    Blast through writers block by letting us write your opening paragraph for you
  • Blog Post Conclusion Paragraph
    Wrap up your blog posts with an engaging conclusion paragraph.
  • Creative Story
    Write deliciously creative stories to engage your readers.
  • Explain It To a Child
    Rephrase text to make it easier to read and understand.
  • Sentence Expander
    Expand a short sentence or a few words into a longer sentence that is creative, interesting, and engaging.
  • Facebook ad headline
    Generate scroll-stopping headlines for your Facebook Ads to get prospects to click, and ultimately buy.
  • Facebook ad primary text
    Create high converting copy for the “Primary Text” section of your Facebook ads.
  • Google ads headline
    Create high converting copy for the “Headlines” section of your Google Ads.
  • Google ads description
    Create high converting copy for the “Description” section of your Google Ads.
  • Google My Business – What’s New Post
    Generate What’s New post updates for Google My Business
  • Google My Business – Event Post
    Generate event details for your Google My Business event posts
  • Google My Business – Product Description
    Generate product descriptions for your Google My Business
  • Google My Business – Offer Post
    Generate offer details for your Google My Business offer posts
  • Amazon product features (bullets)
    Create key feature and benefit bullet points for Amazon listings under the “about this item” section.
  • Amazon product description (paragraph)
    Create compelling product descriptions for Amazon listings. The output is typically paragraph form, but the style will vary.
  • Perfect Headline
    Trained with formulas from the world’s best copywriters, this template is sure to create high-converting headlines for your business.
  • Website sub-headline
    Create delightfully informative sub-headlines (H2) for your websites and landing pages.
  • Photo post captions
    Write catchy captions for your Instagram posts
  • Conversion.ai Testimonial Helper
    Use this template to generate testimonials for Conversion.ai. If this goes well, we’ll open it up for you to collect testimonials from all of your customers.
  • Marketing angles
    Brainstorm different angles to add vibrancy to your marketing.
  • Persuasive bullet points
    Generate persuasive bullet points to insert into landing pages, emails, and more.
  • Video Topic Ideas
    Brainstorm new video topics that will engage viewers and rank well on YouTube.
  • Video Script Outline
    Create script outlines for your videos. Works best for “Listicle” and “How to” style videos.
  • Video Titles
    Create engaging, click-worthy titles for your videos that will rank on Youtube.
  • Video Script Hook and Introduction
    Create a video intro that will capture your viewers attention and compel them to watch all the way through.
  • Video Description – YouTube
    Create unique descriptions for Youtube videos that rank well in search.
  • Review Responder
    Write responses to public customer reviews that are winsome, professional, and delightful.
  • Personalized Cold Emails
    Write cold emails that actually work and get responses.
  • Email Subject Lines
    Write compelling email subject lines that get readers to open.
  • SEO – Blog Posts – Title and Meta Descriptions
    Write SEO optimized title tags and meta descriptions for blog posts that will rank well on Google.
  • SEO – Homepage – Title and Meta Descriptions
    Write SEO optimized title tags and meta descriptions for homepages that will rank well on Google.
  • SEO – Product Page – Title and Meta Descriptions
    Write SEO optimized title tags and meta descriptions that will rank well on Google for product pages.
  • SEO – Services Pages – Title and Meta Descriptions
    Write SEO optimized title tags and meta descriptions that will rank well on Google for company services pages.
  • Company Bio
    Tell your company’s story with a captivating bio.
  • Personal Bio
    Write a creative personal bio that captures attention.
  • Feature to Benefit
    Turn your product features into benefits that compel action.
  • Before-After-Bridge Framework
    Create marketing copy using the BAB framework. Before, After, Bridge.
  • Unique Value Propositions
    Create a clear statement that describes the benefit of your offer in a powerful way.
  • Real Estate Listing – Residential
    Creative captivating real estate listings that sell homes quickly.
  • Pinterest Pin Title & Description
    Create great Pinterest pin titles and descriptions that drive engagement, traffic, and reach.
  • Press Release Title & Intro
    Write the opening paragraph of a press release that people will actually want to read.
  • Engaging Questions
    Ask your audience creative questions to increase engagement.
  • Quora Answers
    Intelligent answers for tough questions.
  • Text Summarizer
    Get the key point from a piece of text.
  • Business or Product Name
    Generate a winning name for your business or product.
  • Poll Questions & Multiple Choice Answers
    Engage your community and get to know them on a deeper level. Create questions with multiple choice answers.

How is Jasper Better Than Other Content Creation Tools?

We have never seen a software tool quite like Jasper before.

Yes, other content creation tools do have similar features but they are nowhere near as quick or efficient.

It’s really a chalk and cheese comparison.

Jasper is super easy to use and he’s proving extremely popular with marketers.

And not only is Jasper easy to set up but he can get you the first 500 words for any topic in less than 1 minute.

This is simply the real deal.

You can’t turn a blind eye to Jasper if you’re a marketer and are tired of writing your own content or you just want to save precious time (and boost your productivity).

We’ve already generated well over 500+ unique pieces of content using Jasper and plan to keep using it for as long as it continues to produce good quality content at light speed.

You just can’t argue with results like that.

All we know is that we’ve never used any content creation software as impressive as this one.

It doesn’t always create perfect content right out of the box, but once you teach it your style, you can then let it loose to create content on its own while you focus on other important aspects of your business, the results will blow you away.

Ironically, even with all these advantages, because of the ridiculously cheap price points of Jasper, we have actually saved money on copywriting expenses while simultaneously producing more content as compared to when we previously hired out human writers or used other copywriting tools.

Jasper Customer Support

Customer support from the team at Jasper is nothing short of impeccable.

You can reach out to them via their Facebook page, messenger or on email and they are always very helpful going above and beyond what I’ve seen other service providers offer.

This is to be expected, however, as they are the same team behind ‘Proof’ which prides itself on giving the best customer support in the world. This culture has undoubtedly been carried over to their new Jasper tool as well and is in keeping with the overall culture of this software company that we have grown to admire greatly.

Help Center

Jasper has a really well-written help center that takes you step by step through the features and functions of their software. Everything is very clearly laid out making learning easy and intuitive.

Jasper Help Center

This is fantastic as there’s nothing worse than having to figure out how to use a piece of software on your own. That may sound silly but you’d be surprised how many software tools out there are super complicated to use and have poorly written help centers.

So it’s just another point in favor of Jasper as it allows you to get up and running without much frustration at all.

Jasper Learning Academy

Jasper is a very powerful piece of software and so to get the most out of it, you will need to spend some time learning how it works. Fortunately, they have a very helpful Learning Academy that you can use to learn more about all the features of Jasper and how it works.

Of course, it’s not a requirement, but I still highly recommend watching through the training videos on how to use the various features of Jasper. You’ll find them to be very informative and it will save you a lot of time trying to figure things out on your own like I did in the beginning.

That goes without saying but I think that with this tool especially, it is crucial that you learn how to use it as efficiently as possible.

The Jasper Training Videos are great for teaching you all the core features of the AI and make it easy to understand the power of this software tool and how to get immediate benefits.

The videos are a really good way to get up and running with Jasper in the shortest period of time possible.

Jasper Online Community

Jarvis Facebook Group

Jasper Private Facebook Group

Jasper has a very active private Facebook group that provides a great way to engage with the software developers directly, ask questions, get your questions answered and discuss ideas with other users of the tool.

I’ve learned so much already from just lurking on the group and have picked up a number of neat tips and tricks that have made my life much easier using Jasper in interesting and creative ways.

I highly recommend checking out this Facebook group after you’ve purchased as it’s an incredible resource for getting the most out of Jasper.

It’s great to be part of such an engaged and vibrant community.

You will not be disappointed.

Plans and Pricing

With a 7-day money back guarantee, you’ve got every reason to step up your game TODAY.

Jasper Plans and Pricing

Jasper Plans and Pricing

You don’t have to be a digital marketing agency to enjoy great Jasper Pricing Plans which start out at $29 a month.

Go for it.

The only regret you’ll have is not finding out about this sooner.

Jasper Review Summary

The most important question that this Jasper review aims to answer is whether or not Jasper really lives up to the hype and if it’s worth investing your money in.

Consider This: This article itself was written by Jasper with a little input from me to include my direct personal experience using it and some other minor stuff from the rest of the team here at Punch 5 Media.

Amazing isn’t it?

And I’ll say to you now that I was a little skeptical at first when talking about AI tools for SEO copywriting. I was almost certain that the hype would be greater than the benefits when it came to using one of these tools and thought they would just add a lot of time and frustration.

I could not have been more wrong.

That’s absolutely not the case at all with Jasper and I’m happy to admit that I was wrong. I’ve been thrilled with how easy it is to use and how much benefits I’ve seen from using the tool.

To put it briefly, we have been incredibly impressed with Jasper and we’re sure you will be too.

The software is easy to learn, really cool to use, has a very intuitive interface and it just plain works. I am excited to continue using the tool and enjoy all of the benefits it provides on a daily basis.

If you are looking for a tool that will make your life easier and give you more time to do what you love, then I highly recommend checking out Jasper now with unlimited BOSS MODE feature.

Thanks for reading our Jasper Review! If you have any questions, please let us know in the comment section below and we will be happy to help you out.

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About the Author: Jian Brant

Jian Brant is a blogger at Punch 5 Media where he spends most of his time writing on things that he loves. Born in Trinidad and Tobago, raised in the USA and lived in London, he has worldwide experience working for public and private sector technology companies. Now settled in the Caribbean, he writes original articles focused on Online Marketing strategies for local businesses.

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