108 Shadow Work Prompts For Inner Harmony

By |Last Updated: May 10th, 2022|

Shadow work prompts provide the exact words you need to articulate how you feel inside. They are to be used as part of your shadow work journal which is a personal journal that you use to explore your own dark side. It is a place where you can be honest with yourself about your fears, doubts, and insecurities with the gracious use of shadow work prompts. By facing your shadows, you can begin to heal the parts of yourself that you have been ignoring.

What are the Benefits of Shadow Work Prompts?

Shadow Work Prompts

Some people find that it helps them to become more self-aware and learn more about themselves. Additionally, using shadow work prompts can help you to release negative emotions and patterns of behavior. It can also lead to greater self-acceptance and inner peace.

Clinical Psychologist Carl Jung first coined the term “shadow” to describe the darker side of our personality. Jung believed that we each have a shadow self that contains all of the aspects of ourselves that we despise or are ashamed of.

How to Use Shadow Work Prompts?

There are no rules for how to use shadow work prompts. You can use them however you see fit. However, it is important to be honest with yourself and be willing to face your shadows head-on. Additionally, it is helpful to journal about your shadow work journey in order to track your progress.

Shadow Work Prompts

These shadow work prompts serve as a guide to help you get started. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to do this work. The most important thing is that you are honest with yourself and allow yourself the space to process whatever comes up.

Take your time with each shadow work prompt. There is no rush. This is a journey of self-discovery and healing that will take time. Be patient with yourself and trust the process.

Here are 108 shadow work prompts to get you started:

  1. What is it that I am afraid to face about myself?
  2. What is it that I am not proud of?
  3. What is it that I feel guilty about?
  4. What is it that makes me feel shame?
  5. What is it that makes me feel sad?
  6. What is it that makes me feel angry?
  7. Who do I need to forgive?
  8. Why do I need to forgive them?
  9. How can I forgive them?
  10. What is it that I am holding onto from my past?
  11. Why am I holding onto these things?
  12. How can I let go of these things?
  13. Who do I need to apologize to?
  14. Why do I need to apologize to them?
  15. How can I apologize to them?
  16. What is it that I need to let go of in order to move forward?
  17. Why do I need to let go of these things?
  18. How can I let go of these things?
  19. What are some things that I need to accept about myself?
  20. Why do I need to accept these things?
  21. How can I accept these things?
  22. What are some things that I need to change about myself?
  23. Why do I need to change these things?
  24. How can I change these things?
  25. What are some things that I am grateful for?
  26. Who are the people in my life that support me?
  27. How can I show myself more love and compassion?
  28. What does my ideal life look like?
  29. What steps do I need to take to get closer to my ideal life?
  30. What are some things that are holding me back from achieving my ideal life?
  31. How can I let go of these things?
  32. Who or what do I need to release from my life in order to create more space for positive energy?
  33. How can I release them?
  34. What are some things that I need to do in order to heal my wounds?
  35. Why do I need to heal these wounds?
  36. How can I heal these wounds?
  37. What are some things that I need to do in order to forgive myself?
  38. Why do I need to forgive myself?
  39. How can I forgive myself?
  40. What are some things that I need to do in order to love myself more?
  41. Why do I need to love myself more?
  42. How can I love myself more?
  43. What do I need to do in order to be more self-aware?
  44. What do I need to do in order to release negative emotions?
  45. What do I need to do in order to accept myself?
  46. What do I need to do in order heal my wounds?
  47. What do I need to do in order to be more present?
  48. What do I need to do in order to be more mindful?
  49. What do I need to do in order to connect with myself on a deeper level?
  50. What are some things that I need to do in order stop self-sabotaging behaviors?
  51. What are some things that I can do nurture my relationship with myself?
  52. How can show myself compassion?
  53. When was the last time I truly listened to my heart without judgement?
  54. Am I living according to my values or someone else’s values?
  55. Do negative self-talk and comparison keep me from fully appreciating who I am?
  56. Do I spend more time worrying about what others think of me instead of living my truth?
  57. Do I allow myself to fully feel my emotions or do I stuff them down?
  58. Do I have a hard time saying “no” even when I know it’s not in my best interest?
  59. Do people pleasing behaviors keep me from taking care of myself?
  60. Is there someone in my life that I need to set boundaries with?
  61. What can I do to start honoring my needs and wants?
  62. When was the last time took some time for just ME- no phone, no obligations, no distractions…just ME.
  63. Do I allow myself to receive love and support or do I push it away?
  64. What can I do to fill my cup back up when I’m feeling drained?
  65. How can I start showing myself the same level of care and compassion that I show others?
  66. Do negative thoughts about myself keep me from taking risks and going after what I want in life?
  67. Do feelings of insecurity prevent me from fully expressing myself?
  68. Do old stories about not being good enough hold me back from moving forward in life?
  69. Is there anything that I need to let go of in order to create more space for self-love and acceptance?
  70. What can do today to move closer towards self-acceptance and a place of inner peace?
  71. How can I become more aware of my thoughts and emotions?
  72. What can I do to start living more in alignment with my truth?
  73. When was the last time I checked in with myself to see how I was really feeling?
  74. Do I make time for things that bring me joy or do I just go through the motions day-to-day?
  75. What can I do to add more intention and meaning into my life?
  76. Do I allow myself to fully feel my emotions or do stuff them down?
  77. Do negative self-talk and comparison keep me from fully appreciating who I am?
  78. Do I let my past define me or do I use it as a stepping stone to become the best version of myself?
  79. What can I do today to move closer towards self-acceptance and a place of inner peace?
  80. How do I feel in this moment – really feel, not just think?
  81. Is there someone in my life that I need to set boundaries with?
  82. Who do I want to become?
  83. What steps do I need to take to get there?
  84. What can I do today to move closer towards my goal?
  85. How can I show myself compassion in this moment?
  86. When was the last time I checked in with my body to see how it was feeling – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually?
  87. Do I need to make any changes in my diet or lifestyle in order to be healthier?
  88. Do I need to release any toxic relationships in order to create more space for positive, supportive people in my life?
  89. What can I do today to move closer towards a place of inner harmony?
  90. Is my time spent each day in alignment with my goals and values?
  91. Do I need to make any changes in order to align my actions with my words?
  92. Are my thoughts, words and deeds in alignment with each other?
  93. Do I feel unbalanced around certain people or in certain situations?
  94. Do I need to make any changes in order to bring more balance into my life?
  95. Does my family support my journey or do they try to hold me back?
  96. Do my friends support my journey or do they try to hold me back?
  97. Is there anyone in my life that is not supportive of my journey and needs to be released?
  98. Who do I need to forgive – myself or someone else?
  99. Do I overthink things or do I trust my intuition?
  100. Is something from my childhood still impacting me in a negative way?
  101. Do I need to let go of any old patterns or ways of thinking in order to create more space for positive change?
  102. Do I need to do any shadow work in order to heal my inner child?
  103. Are there any traumas or wounds from my past that still need to be healed?
  104. Do I have a victim mentality or a warrior mentality?
  105. Do I see challenges as opportunities or do I see them as roadblocks?
  106. Do I need to change my mindset in order to move forward in life?
  107. What can I do to become more self-aware?
  108. What can I do to become more spiritually connected?

Take some time for yourself today and answer these 108 shadow work prompts. By doing the inner work, you will be able to create more harmony in your life. Let go of what no longer serves you and make space for what does. These questions are designed to help you get in touch with your authentic self so that you can live a life that is true to you.

As you start working through these prompts, keep an open mind and be willing to go where they take you. Trust that the answers you need will come to you if you allow them to. Most importantly, show yourself compassion throughout the process. Remember that YOU are worth the effort!

What is a Shadow Work Journal?

A Shadow Work Journal is a written journal to help prepare you for reflecting on your weaknesses, energy blocks, and other potential ‘shadows’ that may not present themselves easily for the purpose of raising them to a conscious high-level in order to best work through them.

The actual journaling process is a way to better understand the parts of self that are being ignored, the aspects of your personality or behavior that you see as bad traits and want to improve.

Over time, this can lead you through the path of clearing these blocks so they no longer affect your life in any negative way.

This entire process takes time and dedication, but the benefits are worth it.

I wrote this article as a guide for people who want to work on themselves by acknowledging their shadows in order to eliminate them.

Starting Your Shadow Work Journal

A Shadow Work Journal can be created as a tool for self-awareness or to bring awareness into your relationships.

It is important to note that this journal should not replace therapy but rather complement it in order to achieve true growth within oneself.

This work will also allow you to be more open in your relationships with others.

The Shadow Work Journaling process involves identifying limiting beliefs, blocks that interfere with our life and goals, the emotions we experience when they arise, and releasing them.

It is a process of understanding who we are and what makes us tick through the examination of our shadows. This work can take time, but it will lead into greater self-acceptance and personal growth. The goal of a shadow work journal is not to dwell on the negative, but to move through it.

The Shadow Work Process

The process of shadow work can be divided into four steps: identifying, embracing, understanding and integrating.

Step 1: Identify

The first step is to identify the aspects that make up our shadows which are those parts of ourselves that we may not accept or recognize as being a part of us. These include feelings such as guilt, shame, inadequacy, anger, resentment, sadness, fear of abandonment.

Step 2: Embrace

When these feelings are identified, it is important to embrace them and allow ourselves the time and space for understanding what they mean in our lives as well how they affect us on a daily basis.

“I am angry, I feel rage.”

“I am sad, I feel despair.”

“I am frustrated, I feel powerless and insignificant.”

These are all aspects that need to be embraced when they come up instead of suppressed or defended against because this is the only way to understand what these feelings mean in our lives. This understanding allows us to integrate them into who we are, which can lead to a better sense of self-acceptance without any shame or guilt.

Step 3: Understand

Next try to understand why these feelings are surfacing in your life right now by exploring what has been going on for you over the past few days such as family stress at home or work deadlines weighing down on you.  Understanding can also be done through searching out other resources or by asking yourself “What does this feeling make me want?”

Step 4: Integrate

The final step is to integrate this new understanding of the shadow into our lives.

Knowing how to work with these aspects can be life changing because once they are integrated, we have a better sense of who we truly are without any shame or guilt that may come from not accepting ourselves as whole beings.

Shadow Work Journal Prompts

In the Shadow Work Journal, you will write your thoughts, emotions and experiences in response to journal prompts. The prompts will be a combination of shadow work questions and general journaling prompts.

The goal of this activity is not necessarily to produce finished writing material – but rather feelings and responses that can be deeply revealing about yourself on a personal level.

These shadow work journal prompts can be used by anyone including beginners to shadow work journals:

“What would I like to do?”

“What does this feeling make me want?”

“How do I feel about myself in light of these feelings and thoughts?”

“Where has this issue been coming from to effect my life right now?”

“What is the root cause of this conflict or problem that’s surfacing for me as a challenge today?”

“How can I take care of myself better and get more aligned with my true self as a result?”

“I need more help! I want my old life back!”

“What am I afraid to face in myself or others?”

“Who am I now that the shadows are revealed to me?”

Visualization Prompts

Think about a time you felt really secure and confident. What did that feel like? How does it compare to when you’re feeling insecure or nervous?

What do your thoughts, feelings and behaviors look like from the outside in each of these times? Which ones are more visible to others around you?

Create Your Own Prompts

You can also create prompts yourself by thinking of things that make you happy, sad, angry, afraid – anything!

You can name five things each that make you feel happy, sad or angry and write about your thoughts on each item in turn.

The idea is to write anonymously as if no one will ever see what’s written on paper. It can be soothing just writing for oneself with the understanding they’ll never share this material with anyone else.

However, if desired there may always be an opportunity later down the road where these personal journals may be shared for the sake of greater understanding.

Should you ever share your journal entries with a partner or friend, or do they stay strictly between you and yourself is entirely up to you.

Healing Shadow Work Prompts

Shadow work is an important and necessary part of the healing process.

The shadow work journal is a powerful tool for releasing emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual pain from your life.

Shadow work journals can help you break through blocks in various challenging areas by focusing on one aspect at a time. It also helps to document the journey so that it’s easier to see how far you’ve come!

These are some examples of healing shadow work journal prompts that are typically found inside of this type of journal:

“What have I been most embarrassed about?”

“What are the triggers that make me angry?”

“What is my biggest fear?”

“Who am I really mad at and why do they deserve it?”

“How have I hurt others when I was under different circumstances, such as depression, addiction, etc.?”

The world of shadow work can seem daunting but once you start exploring what has been lurking deep inside of your heart and mind without a voice for so long; you will find peace.

You might even be able to let go entirely.

Explore one prompt every day with an open mind and forgive yourself for anything you may discover along the way.

Letting go brings healing energy into your life because it’s depleting something that no longer serves you.

You deserve to have a healthy, happy life and you can do it!


Shadow Work Prompts are a powerful tool for anyone who wants to explore their innermost thoughts in order to reach peace of mind.

It offers an understanding of how our anger triggers are created so that we may forgive ourselves and others; as well as healing wounds caused by past events such as childhood trauma or addiction.

We will also learn about what happens when we let go of these things which will bring positive change into your life because it’s depleting something that no longer serves you.

We all need some type of outlet where we can express our emotions constructively instead of destructively and the shadow work journal is that outlet.

I hope this guide on shadow work journal has helped you better understand how it works and what to expect when using it.

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About the Author: Jian Brant

Jian Brant is a blogger at Punch 5 Media where he spends most of his time writing on things that he loves. Born in Trinidad and Tobago, raised in the USA and lived in London, he has worldwide experience working for public and private sector technology companies. Now settled in the Caribbean, he writes original articles focused on Online Marketing strategies for local businesses.

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